The life annuity market in France
The life annuity is a real estate "micro-market" which currently represents barely 1% of the real estate market. Currently, there are 4,000 to 5,000 life annuity sales per year. However, the latest statistics show an increase in the life annuity market. According to the Cabinet Renée Costes Viager, it is, on the territory, "a dynamic market, which grows by 5 to 6% per year". Investors and seniors alike are beginning to realize the many advantages this product offers.
More and more seniors are now deciding to sell their property as a life annuity in order to obtain additional income that will allow them to live better while remaining in their home. This solution continues to democratize and the media are starting to talk about it regularly at prime time.
The French are interested in life annuity property sales. Some choose this solution to protect their parents. The life annuity is experiencing a new youth. Demand is exploding, boosted by the Covid and the repelling effect of nursing homes. The life annuity is essential as a solution to stay at home as long as possible.
A growth market
Life annuity is a buoyant market supported by several structural factors:
• The aging of the French population: the number of people aged over 60 should constitute more than 30% of the French population by 2040;
• The reduction in the purchasing power of French retirees: between the ages of 55 and 80, purchasing power decreases by almost 40% on average;
• The vast majority of seniors own their home: 72% of people over the age of 70 own their main residence;
• The desire of French retirees to stay in their accommodation for life;
• The desire of retirees to remain financially independent and the difficulty for families to help their parents.
The life annuity is therefore the oldest retirement in the world and a solution adapted to contemporary challenges meeting the needs of both seniors and savers.